
Merging not working

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The plugin has no mergin function correct?

So if I add strings locally and a translator worked on my project and I call sync, all strings I have added in the meantime are gone.

Will this functionality be added?

After you add source strings locally, please use send strings function to send new strings to OneSky before sync translations back to local so that your local copy of source strings would not be overwritten.

To add translations, you can use the OneSky platform. In project overview, click on the language you want to add translations on and you will see the translation tool. Using send strings in plugin to send translations is an Admin action that is designed to overwrite existing translations of OneSky project in bulk.

Is it save to send my local strings before syncing? Won't this ever overwrite translated strings with old ones I have locally?

There's a file selection list In send strings function. In normal situation, users just need to send their source files which are under values/ folder and should not send translation files back to OneSky. We recommend to only include translation files in send strings when you have some updates on translations that need to be done in IDE instead of online translation tool we provide e.g. bulk change of variables, formatting changes.

Send local strings in source files would not overwrite translations. Just need to make sure you have only the checkboxes of source files checked. It is safe to send local strings in source files before syncing.

Sometimes I update translated files myself locally as well. This means, I should work like following:

Use case 1 - I want to update translated strings and have new local strings

  • upload the main string file (the one maintained by myself which is not translated by your service) via "send strings"
  • afterwards, call "sync translations" to make sure, all my local strings are up to date
  • now I can adjust translated files as well and then I should upload them immediately afterwards again

Use case 2 - I only changed strings in my local main file

  • simply call "send strings" and select the main local string file only

Is this correct?