While using ImagePrefetcher(), RetryStrategy is not working.
Ayushjain745 opened this issue · 1 comments
Ayushjain745 commented
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Issue Description
I have created ImagePrefetcher() and with the help of KingfisherOptionsInfo I have given the RetryStrategy but it seems the strategy not working.
func prefetchAllImages(completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
// Get all image URLs from ImageResourceUrl enum
let urls = ImageResourceUrl.allCases.map { $0.url }
let downloader = ImageDownloader(name: "custom")
downloader.downloadTimeout = 45
// Retry strategy: attempt up to 3 retries with a 1-second interval
let retryStrategy = DelayRetryStrategy(maxRetryCount: 3, retryInterval: .seconds(1))
// Set options with custom downloader and retry strategy
let kingFisherOptions: KingfisherOptionsInfo = [
// Prefetch images with completion handler
let prefetcher = ImagePrefetcher(urls: urls, options: kingFisherOptions, progressBlock: { skippedResources, failedResources, completedResources in
// You can use these counts for progress feedback
print("Ayush Completed: \(completedResources.count), Failed: \(failedResources.count), Skipped: \(skippedResources.count)")
}, completionHandler: { skippedResources, failedResources, completedResources in
if failedResources.isEmpty {
// All images downloaded successfully
} else {
// Some images failed to download
prefetcher.maxConcurrentDownloads = urls.count
[The steps to reproduce this issue. What is the url you were trying to load, where did you put your code, etc.]
Other Comment
I can see in the ImagePrefetcher() class, retry startegy is not assigned to the manager
init(sources: [Source], options: KingfisherOptionsInfo?) {
var options = KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo(options)
prefetchSources = sources
pendingSources = ArraySlice(sources)
// We want all callbacks from our prefetch queue, so we should ignore the callback queue in options.
// Add our own callback dispatch queue to make sure all internal callbacks are
// coming back in our expected queue.
options.callbackQueue = .dispatch(prefetchQueue)
optionsInfo = options
let cache = optionsInfo.targetCache ?? .default
let downloader = optionsInfo.downloader ?? .default
manager = KingfisherManager(downloader: downloader, cache: cache)
Adobels commented
It looks like the retry strategy defined in KingfisherOptionsInfo is not utilized by ImagePrefetcher, as it is currently only used by KingfisherManager.shared.retrieveImage, and UIImageView().kf.setImage.