
Can't add Third Party Frameworks to xCode

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I am trying to add third party framework i.e xyz.framework file to my xCode but my third party library is not addibg to xCode.

I encountered this problem too, and I found two ways to solve this:

  1. open your projmods file, add that xxx.framework into the "files" block rather that the "folders" block, then the framework is copyed.

  2. if your add the folderpath(which contains a xxx.framewrok file) to the "folders" block, try change the XCProject.cs file, the function called

    public bool AddFolder( string folderPath, PBXGroup parent = null, string[] exclude = null, bool recursive = true, bool createBuildFile = true )

if( directory.EndsWith( ".bundle" ))
if( directory.EndsWith( ".bundle" ) || directory.EndsWith(".framework"))