
AddLocFolder doesn't copy folder to project.

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It would be more complete if AddLocFolder actually copied the applicable lproj directory to the XCode project folder. This way if folder structure changes outside the folder, it is not affected.

For example, after a run, this is what project.pbxproj looks like, specifically "path":

               33284ADFB9A031018DB9013A /* es.lproj */ = {
                        isa = PBXGroup;
                        children = (
                                D793445F9725EF46789C0A17 /* InfoPlist.strings */,
                                FB51477E9436D1F0F4AD3BE6 /* InfoPlist.strings */,
                        name = es.lproj;
                        path = ../../../Assets/Plugins/iOS/Localization/es.lproj;
                        sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT;