
Create Ledger transaction for `updateNetworkingAddress`

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Issue To Be Solved

We added the ability for node operators to change their networking addresses, so this transaction needs to be included for ledger users

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The Locked tokens version of this transaction is here in case it is needed, but it should not be needed since we will be encouraging only staking collection usage from now on.

Thanks @joshuahannan. So this seems to be a nice-to-have feature and not a blocker for anything, right?

No, it is mandatory that we get this in before we run the first automated epoch on mainnet. Many of the nodes have changed their networking addresses in the protocol state, but not in the smart contract. All node operators who have changed their networking addresses will need to use this to update them before the end of the first staking auction

Ah okay. And when do we run the first automated epoch on MainNet? @joshuahannan

It is going to be the september mainnet spork, but we need to have this available with enough time before then that the node operators can change their addresses if needed. We basically need to have it at the same time as all the machine account stuff

Oh man okay. Thats a pretty tight timeline if we need this to be launched by Aug 23rd. We would need:

  1. To get this to Vacuum Labs ASAP
    -- But in order to do this, we need them to be setup for success. Meaning: we need to add this to the manifest file (@psiemens )
  2. Build this as a transaction/process flow into Flow Port (@JeffreyDoyle ).

We should send out individual comms to node operators that NEED to do this action. We will need to ensure they are sent out before the september spork (September 15, 2021) cc @DapperDrew

Closing this because we've updated the manifest file, included the ledger transaction, and drafted comms