
Unmute all videos on web page and autoplay with sound after user gesture

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Video.js plugin to mute automatically a video in autoplay mode and will add a Unmute button like Youtube when a video is set to autoplay

CDN for JS and CSS files: (may be temporary - include the js file after videojs javascript file)

<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/onigetoc/videojs-unmute@main/dist/videojs-unmute.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/onigetoc/videojs-unmute@main/dist/videojs-unmute.min.js"></script>

Latest version

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/onigetoc/videojs-unmute@1.0.4/dist/videojs-unmute.js</script>

Basic Usage

Call the plugin:

const myPlayer = videojs("myvideoID");
// Call the plugin

The button is just a suggestion since you can click anywhere on the video to unmute.

Visual demo

View demo

Simple demo on Codepen


Complex demo with jQuery on Codepen


Githack preview: https://raw.githack.com/onigetoc/videojs-unmute/main/index.html


Video.js plugin to mute automatically a video in autoplay mode and will add a Unmute button like Youtube when a video is set to autoplay. Cross-compatibility for Video.js 5 and 6.


Translate to 11 of the most spoken languages in the world

translate={"en":"UNMUTE","zh":"激活声音","hi":"ध्वनि सक्रिय करें","es":"ACTIVAR SONIDO","fr":"ACTIVER LE SON","ar":"تنشيط الصوت","bn":"নিঃশব্দ","ru":"ВКЛЮЧИТЬ ЗВУК","pt":"ATIVAR SOM","de":"TON AKTIVIEREN","id":"AKTIFKAN SUARA"};  

Overwrite css

.vjs-unmute-overlay {} /* Overlay transparent 100% height and width of the video size */
.vjs-unmute {} /*Unmute button*/
.vjs-unmute:before {} /* Videojs muted icon */
.vjs-wrapper {} /* the wrapper div added around the video */

See the CSS file

To do

  • Add language from browser language
  • include css from the js file (may work in the next hours) (Problem with :before style may just use normal .css file)
  • Make it work from npm

Help & suggestions

If there's a request for help or to add options create a new issue.