
Project Building

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm interested in this project but I'm not familiar with Qt. Could you provide some instructions about the development environment and how to build the project?

Depends a bit on the platform you are using, if Linux then your distribution should have Qt available as packages. If on the other you are on Windows, then I recommend downloading Qt installer from https://download.qt.io/official_releases/online_installers/ and go from there.

I download and installed Qt from the link you provided to a machine running windows 10. I've opened the Qt Design Studio (version 4.1.0) but when I go to "open project" it seems to be looking for a "*.qmlproject" file but I'm not able to find one in the project. I tried opening the cuteproduction.pro but designer didn't seem to do anything with that.

Let me know what I'm doing wrong.

Ok ... I figured out that I needed to be using the Qt Creator not the Qt Design Studio.

Now the issue is that when I build the project is fails because its missing the "mqtt" module. Where do I get MQTT for Qt?

Looks like I need to build mqtt. Which version of mqtt does this project use?

QtMQTT should match the Qt version, so it oing with the latest it should be 6.5.2. Building external components on Windows is a bit annoying, I'm planning on writing a bit on that but haven't had the time.