
Unable to open links created on Android

ingfabby opened this issue · 3 comments

Tested on Galaxy S20, Android 11
Onion Share version: 0.1.5-alpha

Steps I followed:
1.- I opened the app
2.- Select an image to share
3.- Tap on start sharing
4.-Copied the link when it was ready
5.-I tried to open in on Tor Browser for Android and I got the following screen
6.-I tried to open the link on Tor Browser Desktop and I got the following Screen
Screen Shot 2022-04-13 at 10 15 28 AM

grote commented

Thanks a lot for the report. Did you try it a bit later? Did you try it another time? Did it ever work for you?

grote commented

We've received similar reports from users with Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G.

Somebody posted that screenshot:


grote commented

Should be fixed by #56