Error: An error happened with serialization: GetCurrentUser
ShayBox opened this issue · 1 comments
ShayBox commented
I tried to run the following code, but I get Error: An error happened with serialization
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use vrc::{
api_client::{ApiClient, AuthenticatedVRC},
query::{Authentication, GetCurrentUser},
static USER_AGENT: &str = concat!(env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"));
static USER_AUTH: Lazy<Authentication> = Lazy::new(|| {
let bytes = std::fs::read("user-auth.json")
.expect("must have a prepared `user-auth.json` file for live API testing");
let user_auth = serde_json::from_slice::<Authentication>(&bytes)
.expect("`user-auth.json` file to parse into user auth");
assert!(user_auth.token.len() > 20);
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let vrc = AuthenticatedVRC::new(USER_AGENT.to_owned(), USER_AUTH.clone())?;
let current_user: CurrentAccount = vrc.query(GetCurrentUser).await?;
Here's the debug printed JSON un-stringified, beautified, and redacted for comparison.
Anything redacted was replaced with ...
except for the steam time created was replaced with 0.
"id": "...",
"displayName": "...",
"userIcon": "",
"bio": "...",
"bioLinks": [
"profilePicOverride": "",
"statusDescription": "...",
"username": "...",
"pastDisplayNames": [
"displayName": "...",
"updated_at": "...",
"reverted": false
"hasEmail": true,
"hasPendingEmail": false,
"obfuscatedEmail": "...",
"obfuscatedPendingEmail": "",
"emailVerified": true,
"hasBirthday": true,
"hideContentFilterSettings": false,
"unsubscribe": true,
"statusHistory": [
"statusFirstTime": false,
"friends": [
"friendGroupNames": [],
"queuedInstance": null,
"userLanguage": "English",
"userLanguageCode": "en",
"currentAvatarImageUrl": "...",
"currentAvatarThumbnailImageUrl": "...",
"currentAvatarTags": [],
"currentAvatar": "...",
"currentAvatarAssetUrl": "...",
"fallbackAvatar": "...",
"accountDeletionDate": null,
"accountDeletionLog": null,
"acceptedTOSVersion": 9,
"acceptedPrivacyVersion": 1,
"steamId": "...",
"googleId": "",
"steamDetails": {
"avatar": "...",
"avatarfull": "...",
"avatarhash": "...",
"avatarmedium": "...",
"commentpermission": 2,
"communityvisibilitystate": 3,
"personaname": "...",
"personastate": 0,
"profilestate": 1,
"profileurl": "...",
"steamid": "...",
"personastateflags": 0,
"primaryclanid": "...",
"timecreated": 0
"oculusId": "",
"picoId": "",
"viveId": "",
"hasLoggedInFromClient": false,
"homeLocation": "wrld_f3d1f874-0e3f-4f35-bb28-10c6991fe4a4",
"twoFactorAuthEnabled": false,
"twoFactorAuthEnabledDate": null,
"updated_at": "2024-01-15T03:21:10.932Z",
"state": "offline",
"tags": [
"developerType": "none",
"last_login": "2024-01-20T00:08:11.478Z",
"last_platform": "standalonewindows",
"allowAvatarCopying": true,
"status": "join me",
"date_joined": "2022-04-06",
"isFriend": false,
"friendKey": "...",
"last_activity": "2024-01-20T00:07:57.440Z",
"onlineFriends": [
"activeFriends": [
"presence": {
"instance": "...",
"isRejoining": "0",
"platform": "standalonewindows",
"instanceType": "group",
"groups": [
"currentAvatarTags": "",
"profilePicOverride": "",
"status": "join me",
"userIcon": "",
"debugflag": "5",
"world": "...",
"displayName": "...",
"travelingToWorld": "",
"travelingToInstance": "",
"id": "...",
"avatarThumbnail": "..."
"offlineFriends": [
ShayBox commented
It looks like presence.currentAvatarTags/debugflag/isRejoining/userIcon and acceptedPrivacyVersion/googleId/picoId/viveId are missing, but adding them doesn't solve my error.
EDIT: It looks like it's caused by past_display_names: Vec<Either<PastDisplayName, String>>
needs to be renamed to updated_at
and for some reason Either<Struct, String>
doesn't work, it has to be Vec<Struct>