Survey URL Accessibility
ardhitoutomo opened this issue · 2 comments
I've implemented a simple expiry system so survey forms for past workshops beyond certain duration (currently: 10 days) will no longer be accessible. I know it may not be the most elegant or robust - but for our business use-case this suffice.
Post the Alpha version release, I may consider changing the database models to implement a certain "survey open" check. This adds more process on the administrative side to be sure, but it make sure participants can rate a workshop only when ( == True) and will not be able to access the survey form otherwise. Then our general affairs team need to manually turn survey open / closed - which I'm not very keen on :/
To me: practicality and less-process is preferable. If there's any ideas - please propose and maybe we can consider after the Alpha version release. For now the expiry system works 😃
- Pushing to production version