#Overview This collection of demonstrations is meant to show-off the various features of Pulse and what it is currently capable of doing. For more information on Pulse itself, please visit the Pulse website, or the public github repository.
#Examples Examples demonstrate specific functionality in Pulse, like the drag/drop event stack or loading assets using the asset manager. You can access examples using index.html inside the examples folder and adding the query string ?demo=[demo-path]. For example, to access the drapdrop example you would use examples/index.html?demo=event/dragdrop.
The demo referenced in the query string is a path, so you can add examples and access them using ?demo=path/to/example/jsFile. You should not add a .js extension to the query string.
#Games Games are slightly more complex demonstrations of what pulse can do. You have to access each game individually inside the games folder. For example, to access the megaman demo you would use games/megaman. Each game has an index.html file, so you can link to the folder instead of the HTML file.
#Performance Tests Like games, performance tests can be quite complex and thus each test has its own working directory. You can access performance tests the same way as games, just use the performance folder as the base in place of the games folder.