Dispose method does not work when loading data asyncronously
marlonreid opened this issue · 1 comments
Version: 2.7.1
I am using MetisMenu in an angular app, and ran into the problem described in #22 and #116 where metismenu no longer shows children when clicking on parents when loading data asynchronously.
I have tried the suggestion of first disposing the menu, loading the data and re-initialising the data but still child sections do not show when clicking on the parent. I have also tried different disposing, setting and re-initialising the menu but nothing works. It works well when the data is loaded synchronously
<div id="sidebar-collapse">
<div class="admin-block d-flex">
<ul class="side-menu metismenu">
<li *ngFor="let item of menuitems">
<a href="javascript:;">
<i class="sidebar-item-icon {{item.icon}}"></i>
<span class="nav-label" (click)="onItemClick(item)">{{item.title}}</span>
<i *ngIf="item.subItems.length" class="fa fa-angle-left arrow"></i>
<ul *ngFor="let subItem of item.subItems" class="nav-2-level collapse" routerLinkActive="in">
<a routerLink="#" routerLinkActive="active" (click)="onItemClick(subItem)">{{subItem.title}}</a>
code that loads data async
Observable.fromPromise(this.getMenuData()) .subscribe((response) => { $(".metismenu").metisMenu('dispose'); this.menuitems = response $(".metismenu").metisMenu(); })
Please give a suggestion on how to get this working asynchronously.
metisMenu does not support angular, react or vue.