
Size of captured image

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I'm not sure if this is a bug, but it looks a little strange.
I use the camera to take a photo, and then upload the resulting bytearray to the server. The server has a file upload limit of 10mb.
I have several android phones and an iphone se 2016. It works correctly on all androids, but on an iPhone, when trying to upload a photo from an iPhone to the server, the server informed me that the photo was 15mb in size.

I converted the array to bitmap - the resolution is about the same on both platforms - 3000*4000.
But when I look at the size of the array, it is 5-8 times larger on ios, for example 3,806,630 on android versus 21,843,377 on ios .

I don't quite understand if the photo resolution is the same and there is no compression - where does such a huge difference come from.
And I'm not sure if we have some kind of multiplatform way to compress without saving to disk.

As far as I understand the problem is that an uncompressed byte array is returned to ios and bytearray from jpeg is returned on android.

I fix my problem make this

actual fun saveImage(byteArrays: ByteArray?): ByteArray? {
    val data  = byteArrays?.toData()
    val image = data?.let { UIImage.imageWithData(it) }
    val jpegData = image?.let { UIImageJPEGRepresentation(it, 1.00) }
    val jpegByteArray = jpegData?.length?.let {
        ByteArray(it.toInt()).apply {
            memcpy(this.refTo(0), jpegData.bytes, jpegData.length)
    return jpegByteArray

fun ByteArray.toData(): NSData = memScoped {
    val data = NSData.create(bytes = allocArrayOf(this@toData),
        length = this@toData.size.toULong())
    return data

However, the difference in behavior is little confusing.