
Error "Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined"

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I get that error and cannot open my project anymore. My project was originally created with SayMore but I've been working with the most recent lameta version. Everything worked fine yesterday but not today. Suggestions?

@JuarezRC Thanks for letting me know. Might it be possible for you to share your project files via dropbox or whatever so I can track this down?

@JuarezRC I should also have asked what version you are using.

@hatton Thanks! I'm using 8.8. Sure, I can upload everything to my google drive and give you access to it. What do you want to see? Does that work? I will need an email address. This problem arose after I deleted older versions of the exported IMDI+files. For some reason I don't understand, the folders People and Sessions, and the .sprj file are saved in the SayMore folder. I'm able to save the exported IMDI files in my lameta folder though.

@JuarezRC Yeah I don't want post my email here but you could either share yours or 1) Go to https://community.software.sil.org/c/saymore 2) Sign up 3) Click on my avatar 4) click on the "Message" button to send me a private msg. Sorry for the hassle!

@JuarezRC OK, thanks for sharing your files. The problem is that lameta is tripping over the project folder being named differently from the .sprj file inside of it. Until we can improve that, please rename your folder to mocovi-juarez-IGS0365 or rename your .sprj file.

@hatton Thanks! Unfortunatelly, it does not work. I've tried with different names but does not work anyway. I can open the .sprj file as it is with SayMore though :(

Changing the folder you gave me to be mocovi-juarez-IGS0365 made everything work for me:

