
RDF data in resource files are cached

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I am loading local data from my resources directory like this:

(ont-app.igraph-jena.core/load-rdf (clojure.java.io/resource "locationdata.ttl"))

This file is cached to /tmp/rdf-app/UrlCache/. On subsequent runs, the data is always loaded from the cache, and changes to the file content cannot be imported in this way. The changed contents can be loaded like this:

(ont-app.igraph-jena.core/load-rdf "resources/locationdata.ttl")

or even like this

(ont-app.igraph-jena.core/load-rdf (clojure.java.io/file (clojure.java.io/resource "locationdata.ttl")))

But neither of these is a good solution.


A resource file should not be cached at all. (An perhaps add an example on how to invalidate the cache; from the code I suspect such a way exists, but I cannot make out how to do that.)

(Edit: Damn, I guess this should be an issue of the https://github.com/ont-app/igraph-jena, not here.)

Thank for this. We definitely want to keep our caches fresh.

Done when:

  • An existing resource can be loaded with rdf/load-rdf
  • Said resource is altered
  • Cache of said resource is invalidated automatically if possible, otherwise there's a clear-cache! operation.
  • Consider providing for specification of a caching policy for each resource
  • tests and documentation are updated appropriately