
Address User-to-server token expiration

Closed this issue · 6 comments

If I have recently logged in to DROID and I go to a project page, e.g. https://droid.ontodev.com/ONTIE, then I can see a list of all branches that I see on GitHub for that project.

If I logged in a few days ago, DROID will still say that I'm logged in, but if I go to a project page then I will only see the local branches. Logging out and then back in fixes the problem.

In the case where you logged in a few days ago, does the branch list update when you hit the Refresh button, or does it not work?

Sorry, I don't remember. I'll check next time this happens. You can set this issue aside until I do that.

Currently there is a decorator (see

;; Decorator for accesses to branches, views, and the project page: Check to see if the remote
) around the project-page-rendering function that refreshes the remote branches for a project when it is empty, but not otherwise. One thing we can do in addition, if you like, is to keep track of how long ago a given project's remote branch list was refreshed. Then, when you hit the project page in your browser and it has been more than, say, 1 hour, since the last time the list has been refreshed, we can have DROID refresh it.

FYI we can do this regardless of the answer to my earlier question about the Refresh button. It is only a small change. I've tested it and it seems to work.

As discussed on our call, this seems to be GitHub App's "User-to-server token expiration" feature. It is currently turned ON for droid.ontodev.com. It was a beta feature at the time of development.

  1. We could turn this OFF ("Opt-out")
  2. We could update DROID to refresh user tokens automatically

FYI, here is the documentation for this feature (which is still beta): https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-server@2.22/developers/apps/building-github-apps/refreshing-user-to-server-access-tokens

I'll look into implementing the token renewal.