
Fix RDFa hierarchy for tree.py

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The RDFa/HTML generated by the current code doesn't parse into the right subclass hierarchy. Messing around with the RDFa Play site http://rdfa.info/play/ I think the structure should be more like:

 <a about="owl:Thing" rev="rdfs:subClassOf" resource="BFO:0000001" href="?id=BFO:0000001">entity</a>
      <a about="BFO:0000001" rev="rdfs:subClassOf" resource="BFO:0000002" href="?id=BFO:0000002">continuant</a>
          <a about="BFO:0000002" rev="rdfs:subClassOf" resource="BFO:0000004" href="?id=BFO:0000004">independent continuant</a>

I'd like the tests to check this, too.