
Support importing typedefs

OmgImAlexis opened this issue · 1 comments

I get this error. The import syntax is valid in jsdoc.

Error: ERROR: Unable to parse a tag's type expression for source file ~/core/bus.js in line 6 with tag title "param" and text "{import('nanobus')} NanoBus": Invalid type expression "import('nanobus')": Expected "!", "=", "?", "[]", "|", or end of input but "(" found.
 * Main event bus.
 * @name Bus
 * @param {import('nanobus')} NanoBus
 * @returns {import('nanobus')}
module.exports = function(NanoBus) {
	return NanoBus;

Ref: onury/jsdoc-x#12

onury commented

You've already opened an issue @ jsdoc-x for this. Closing this one.