
Notation.Glob.union: Wildcard is ignored in some cases

onury opened this issue · 1 comments

onury commented

Notation.Glob.union(globsA, globsB)

Case 1

If any of the passed globs is ['*'] (single item, only wildcard); it should cover all — no matter what the other glob array includes.

Globs A Globs B Outputs Expected
['*'] ['*', '!id'] [ '*', '!id' ] ['*']

A has all attributes, including 'id'; which should be covered in the united output.

Case 2

A negated glob should only be included in the united output; if it exists in both original arrays.

Globs A Globs B Outputs Expected
['*', '!id'] ['*', '!pwd'] [ '*', '!pwd' ] ['*']

Above, A negates id but has pwd and B negates pwd but has id. So both id and pwd should be available in the united output. e.g. ['*', 'id', 'pwd'] » normalizes to ['*']

Globs A Globs B Outputs Expected
['*', '!id'] ['*', '!id', '!pwd'] [ '*', '!pwd' ] ['*', '!id']

Above, both A and B has !id so it should be included in the union; but not !pwd since only B negates it.

onury commented

Fixed in v1.3.0