
[Bug] Page content breaks toggle mode

chipzoller opened this issue · 1 comments

I have checked all the prerequisites below and I'm yet experiencing a problem

  • Read the README.md
  • Have the extended version of Hugo installed
  • Used the exampleSite's config.toml as a reference

Describe the bug
On this page, you can toggle the light/dark mode and navigate around with that mode staying in effect. But upon navigating to Equinix Metal page under the "Usage" category, something in the JS breaks and the page is forced into dark mode (if it was previously in light). The toggle button flips and can't be clicked. So it "broke" somehow.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Mac 10.14.6
  • Browser: Firefox 93

I tracked down the cause and it was due to there being a Markdown heading (third level in this case) which was hyperlinked.

### Expose with [Equinix Metal CCM](https://github.com/equinix/cloud-provider-equinix-metal)

Removing this hyperlink solved the problem. Compose needs to be able to deal with these and allow them if present.