
Original source (license)?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Loving this data. In ways, I prefer it to others, such as the one at http://www.ip2location.com/free/iso3166-2. One advantage to this data is that the names used include non-"standard" characters.

Anyway, there are two parts to this issue:

  1. What is the original source for this data? I don't want to break any licensing agreements, even indirectly.
  2. Under what license is this data provided? The lack of a license implies public domain, but it might be preferable to choose a license.

Thanks! :)

Under what license is this data provided? The lack of a license implies public domain, but it might be preferable to choose a license.

Without a license you can only assume you are free to view it, but not use it in any manner. A work has to be explicitly put into public domain, or the copyright has to expire. Unfortunately we don't have either here, thus no permission to use this work.