Main.hs contains simple example that start HTTP server with web socket application that echo received packets back to the sender.
newClientHandler :: NewClientCallback DA.Value DA.Value
newClientHandler (input, output) =
void $ async $ P.runEffect $ PC.fromInput input >-> PC.toOutput output
main :: IO ()
main = do
wsApp <- getWSApp newClientHandler
httpTask <- async $ runHttpApp "sample.html" wsApp 8070
putStrLn ("Press [Enter] to exit"::Text)
void getLine
cancel httpTask
To use HTTPs replace httpTask <- async $ runHttpApp "sample.html" wsApp 8070
let tlsCfg=tlsSettingsChain "cert1.pem" ["chain1.pem"] "privkey1.pem"
httpTask <- async $ runTlsApp "static/sample.html" tlsCfg wsApp 443
In both cases the default page is passed as parameter ("sample.html"). HTTP server also server static pages from ./static directory
To test WebSocket, elm demo client can be used at:
Just send URL to address of your server (ws://localhost:8070, for example above). Please note that to get it working request should be entered as valid JSON. For example:
To server other HTTP(s) requests (for example REST) in addition to static pages use the following methods:
runTlsExApp :: String -> Scotty.ScottyM () -> TLSSettings -> WS.ServerApp->Int->IO ()
runTlsExApp defPage webApps theTlsSettings wsApp port = do
runHttpExApp :: String -> Scotty.ScottyM () -> WS.ServerApp->Int->IO ()
runHttpExApp defPage webApps wsApp port = do
Both functions allow accept ScottyM as extra parameter
To redirect all incoming requests on specific port use:
runRedirect :: Int -> String -> IO (Maybe ())
runRedirect port toURL