
Sorry, I got build 17 Feb 2022 mixed up, I thought it was 17 Feb 2023

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I'm not sure if this is a bug, but I have found that jumping to next or previous letter is not triggering a ToNewSelection or FromOldSelection transition.

In attract.cfg
next_letter PageDown
prev_letter PageUp

I have something in the layout that happens whenever someone would navigate backwards or forwards along the 'index', for example pressing the up or down arrow keys. Doing so, would trigger either FromOldSelection or ToNewSelection, or EndNavigation. Even 'random_game' in the attract.cfg will trigger FromOldSelection or ToNewSelection. But, it looks like next_letter and prev_letter are only triggering EndNavigation?

A particular visual element of my layout must trigger well before End.Navigation, so to function requires FromOldSelection or ToNewSelection.

Looking at this this morning, something is weird. Next_letter and prev_letter aren't navigating for me at all. It looks like it is performing a layout refresh instead.

I tried an older layout in a AM+ Build from December 2022 and the next_letter and prev_letter functioned as expected. I didn't check if they were performing a ToNewSelection or FromOldSelection transition trigger yet.

I copied that layout to the AM+ Build from February 2023 and the next_letter and prev_letter seemed to just be doing a layout refresh.

I don't understand what is wrong yet.
I tried copying the attract.cfg from Dec 2022 to the Feb 2023 install and still same problem.
I tried copying the exe file from Feb 2023 to the Dec 2022 install and the next_letter and prev_letter seem to work correctly.

Possibly something is wrong with my latest AM+ Install.

I put my new layout into the old AM+ Dec 2022 install and next_letter and prev_letter are working correctly, performing trigger for FromOldSelection and ToNewSelection.

I have found the bug is to do with this error message:
Error decoding video (sending packet): End of file

Basically, when that bug happens the pertaining video will never play again. It is a video that I have set to play on a Transition.FromOldSelection trigger.

The bug did not happen with AM+ build 1st Feb 2023 or earlier.

The bug is only happening with the current AM+ build 17 Feb 2023.

AM+ error with build 17 feb 2023

Sorry, I got build 17 Feb 2022 mixed up, I thought it was 17 Feb 2023