Changed OPAC Software "Büchereien Wien"
Closed this issue · 4 comments
After a hacker attack, the Vienna Library (Büchereien Wien) has a new OPAC software. They have also changed the password from Date of Birth to a new specific password. A connection to the customer account is currently not possible with the Web Opac App.
We are aware of this. The new OPAC is OCLC OPEN, which we already support. But an adjustment was necessary to make it work in Vienna and it will be included in the next update of the app.
However, for now, only catalog search will work in the open source app. Account features for OPEN are only supported in Büchereien Wien's own app, which we will also update and make available again soon after approval from the library.
The new version of the Büchereien Wien app is now released:
Thanks! We will address this in the next update.