WebException: The request timed out
opcon opened this issue · 1 comments
opcon commented
AggregateException: One or more errors occurred.
Module "TurntNinja.TurntNinjaGame", line 1388, in Main
Void Main(System.String[])
Module "OpenTK.GameWindow", line 0, in Run
Void Run()
Module "OpenTK.GameWindow", line 198, in Run
Void Run(Double, Double)
Module "OpenTK.GameWindow", line 49, in DispatchUpdateAndRenderFrame
Void DispatchUpdateAndRenderFrame(System.Object, System.EventArgs)
Module "OpenTK.GameWindow", line 12, in RaiseUpdateFrame
Void RaiseUpdateFrame(Double, Double ByRef)
(4 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
NotSupportedException: Codec not supported.
Module "System.Threading.Tasks.Task", line 22, in Execute
Void Execute()
Module "System.Threading.Tasks.Task", line 18, in InnerInvoke
Void InnerInvoke()
Module "TurntNinja.GUI.LoadingScene+<Load>c__AnonStorey0", line 104, in <>m__1
Void <>m__1()
Module "TurntNinja.Game.Stage", line 23, in LoadAsync
Void LoadAsync(TurntNinja.Audio.Song, Single, Single, System.IProgress`1[System.String], TurntNinja.Core.PolarPolygon, TurntNinja.Player, TurntNinja.Game.DifficultyOptions, TurntNinja.Game.DifficultyLevels)
Module "TurntNinja.Audio.Song", line 6, in LoadSongAudio
Void LoadSongAudio()
(2 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
WebException: The request timed out
Module "CSCore.Codecs.CodecFactory", line 0, in OpenWebStream
CSCore.IWaveSource OpenWebStream(System.String)
Module "CSCore.Codecs.CodecFactory", line 10, in Default
CSCore.IWaveSource Default(System.String, Boolean)
Module "CSCore.OSXCoreAudio.OSXAudio", line 12, in <RegisterCodecs>m__2
CSCore.IWaveSource <RegisterCodecs>m__2(System.String, Boolean)
Module "CSCore.OSXCoreAudio.OSXAudioDecoder", line 57, in .ctor
Void .ctor(Uri, AudioFileType)
Module "System.Net.HttpWebRequest", line 14, in GetResponse
System.Net.WebResponse GetResponse()
(1 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
One or more errors occurred.