
Configure AMT Features using rpc-go local command

mechris1 opened this issue · 0 comments

As a rpc-go user, I want to configure AMT features using rpc-go local command.

Sample subcommand:

rpc configure amtfeatures -userconsent [none/kvm/all] -kvm -sol -ider -password password

All flags are optional, but at least one is mandatory (-userconsent, -kvm, -sol, or -ider) -userconsent by default is 'all'

  1. For ACM, userconsent can be none, kvm or all. For CCM, default userconsent value is all and cannot be changed.
  2. if kvm or sol or ider flag is true, set Redirection to true, similar to RPS. Don't need redirection flag.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Should be able to configure AMT features using rpc-go local command (#407)
  • Documentation