
Variable timeouts does not work for response items and advanced delays

Closed this issue · 1 comments

If the timeout of response items/delays is set to [timeout] instead of 1000 the program comes to a hold without throwing an error message in the Web console.

Example script:

API: 2.1
OpenSesame: 3.3.3
Platform: nt

set width 1024
set uniform_coordinates yes
set title "Neues Experiment"
set subject_parity even
set subject_nr 0
set start experiment
set sound_sample_size -16
set sound_freq 48000
set sound_channels 2
set sound_buf_size 1024
set sampler_backend psycho
set round_decimals 2
set mouse_backend psycho
set keyboard_backend psycho
set height 768
set fullscreen no
set form_clicks no
set foreground white
set font_underline no
set font_size 18
set font_italic no
set font_family mono
set font_bold no
set experiment_path "c:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSesame\share\opensesame_resources\templates"
set disable_garbage_collection yes
set description "The main experiment item"
set coordinates uniform
set compensation 0
set color_backend psycho
set clock_backend psycho
set canvas_backend psycho
set background black

define sequence experiment
set flush_keyboard yes
set description "Führt mehrere Items nacheinander aus"
run getting_started always
run new_loop always
run welcome always

define notepad getting_started
Welcome to OpenSesame 3.3 "Lentiform Loewenfeld"!
If you are new to OpenSesame, it is a good idea to follow one of the tutorials,
which can be found on the documentation site:
You can also check out the examples. These can be opened via:
- Menu -> Tools -> Example experiments.
And feel free to ask for help on the forum:
Have fun with OpenSesame!
set description "A simple notepad to document your experiment. This plug-in does nothing."

define keyboard_response new_keyboard_response
set timeout "[timeout]"
set flush no
set event_type keypress
set duration keypress
set description "Sammelt Tastaturantworten"

define loop new_loop
set source_file ""
set source table
set repeat 1
set order random
set description "Führt wiederholt ein anderes Item aus"
set cycles 5
set continuous no
set break_if_on_first yes
set break_if never
setcycle 0 timeout 2000
setcycle 1 timeout 2000
setcycle 2 timeout 2000
setcycle 3 timeout 2000
setcycle 4 timeout 2000
run new_sequence

define sequence new_sequence
set flush_keyboard yes
set description "Führt mehrere Items nacheinander aus"
run new_sketchpad always
run new_keyboard_response always
run new_sketchpad_1 always

define sketchpad new_sketchpad
set duration 0
set description "Präsentiert Stimuli"
draw textline center=1 color=white font_bold=no font_family=mono font_italic=no font_size=18 html=yes show_if=always text="Variable Timeout set to [timeout]" x=0 y=0 z_index=0

define sketchpad new_sketchpad_1
set duration 1000
set description "Präsentiert Stimuli"
draw textline center=1 color=white font_bold=no font_family=mono font_italic=no font_size=18 html=yes show_if=always text="Success!" x=0 y=0 z_index=0

define sketchpad welcome
set start_response_interval no
set reset_variables no
set duration keypress
set description "Präsentiert Stimuli"
draw textline center=1 color=white font_bold=no font_family=serif font_italic=no font_size=32 html=yes show_if=always text="OpenSesame 3.3 Lentiform Loewenfeld" x=0 y=0 z_index=0


Kinda duplicated, sorry