
Social objectives: overarching object to capture info related to social obligations of project

Closed this issue · 4 comments


This issue relates to the following CoST IDS elements proposed in the CoST IDS/OC4IDS review:

Indigenous land

Indigenous land

Module: Social
Indicator: Indigenous populations

Disclosure format

Identify whether the project is located or cut through indigenous land. Use the information at the LandMark – Global Platform of Indigenous and Community Lands on both databases Indigenous Lands Acknowledged by Government and Not Acknowledged by Government (customary tenure or with formal land claim submitted) to disclose the information.

OC4IDS mapping

Project level: If the project is located or cut through indigenous land:

  1. Set .social.indigenousLand to true
  2. Add a Location object to the .locations array, set its .id incrementally and set its description to “Indigenous land: ()” substituting and for the name and land category from the Landmark database.
    If the project is not located or cut through indigenous land, set .social.indigenousLand to false.
Public consultation meetings

Public consultation meetings

Module: Social
Indicator: Public participation

Disclosure format

Disclose the occurrence of public meetings with communities and impacted groups including meeting invite, the number of the participants, dates and location of these meetings.

OC4IDS mapping

​Project Level: For each meeting:

  1. Publish the meeting invite. Add a document, set its .documentType to ‘consultationMeetingInvite’ and its .url to the URL at which the meeting invite is available.
  2. Publish the meeting details. Add a Meeting object to the .social.consultationMeetings array and set:
  • .id incrementally
  • .date to the date of the meeting
  • .address to the address of the meeting
  • .participantCount to the number of people that participated in the meeting.
  1. Publish the meeting minutes. Add a document, set its .documentType to ‘consultationMeetingMinutes’ and its .url to the URL at which the meeting minutes are available.
Land compensation budget

Land compensation budget

Module: Social
Indicator: Land issues

Disclosure format

Disclose budget allocated to fund land compensation (E.g. [value]).

OC4IDS mapping

Project Level: Set .social.landCompensationBudget to the amount and currency of the budget allocated for land compensation.

Construction materials testing

Construction materials testing

Module: Social
Indicator: Health and safety

Disclosure format

Disclose materials tests performed during implementation [document]. These can include, without limitation, the following:

  • Foundations
  • Pavements
  • Soil
  • Steel structure
  • Asphalt
  • Retaining walls
  • Concrete
  • Masonry
  • Roofs
  • Compression
  • Compaction
  • Thickness
  • Others (explain)

[Free text to add not mentioned tests]

OC4IDS mapping

Project level: Publish a summary of the material tests:

  1. For each material test, add a code from the materialTests codelist to array.
  2. Optionally, add a further explanation of the material tests to .social.healthAndSafety.materialTests.description.

Publish test results: For each test result, add a document, set .documentType to ‘materialTestResults’ and set .url to the URL at which the document is accessible.

Labour obligations

Labour obligations

Module: Social
Indicator: Labour compliance

Disclosure format

Disclose labour obligations in the construction contract. This can include, without limitation, the following:

  • Minimum wage
  • Overtime
  • Prohibition of forced labour
  • Prohibition of child labour
  • Equal opportunity
  • Non-discrimination
  • Freedom of association
  • Grievance mechanism
  • Working at height
  • Underground work
  • Handling of materials/equipment
  • Monitoring of accidents
  • Traffic management
  • Accommodation
  • Protective equipment
  • Others (explain)

OC4IDS mapping

Contracting process level: Publish a summary of the labor obligations:

  1. For each labor obligation in the contract, add a code from the laborObligations codelist to array.
  2. Optionally, add a further explanation of the labor obligations to

Publish the bidding documents that specify labor obligations: Add a document to .summary.documents, set its .id incrementally, set its .documentType to ‘biddingDocuments’ and set its .url to the URL at which the documents are available.

Publish the signed contract that includes labor obligations: Add a document to .summary.documents, set its .id incrementally, set its .documentType to ‘contractSigned’ and set its .url to the URL at which the signed contract that includes labor obligations is accessible.

Labor budget

Labor budget

Module: Social
Indicator: Labor compliance

Disclosure format

Disclose the amount allocated by the main contractor to cover for labour costs (E.g. [value]).

OC4IDS mapping

Contract level: Publish the amount and currency of the labor budget in


Creation of social object at both the project and contracting process levels. See linked issues for full discussion and description of individual fields and associated codelists.

Add the following fields and objects:

Path Title Description Type (format) Codelist Issue
social Social Information about the social impact of the project and actions the project will take to mitigate potentially negative impacts on adjacent populations and project workers. object - -
.inIndigenousLand In Indigenous land see linked issue boolean -  #408
.consultationMeetings Public consultation meetings see linked issue object -  #409
.landCompensationBudget Land compensation budget see linked issue Value object -  #407
.healthAndSafety Health and safety Information about health and safety in regards to the construction and ongoing use of the project asset. object see linked issue  #405 Social Information about the social impact of the project and actions the project will take to mitigate potentially negative impacts on adjacent populations and project workers. object - -
.laborObligations Labor obligations see linked issue object see linked issue  #404
.laborBudget Labor budget see linked issue Value object -  #406


"social": {
  "inIndigenousLand": true,
  "consultationMeetings": [
      "id": "1",
      "date": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "address": {
        "streetAddress": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy",
        "locality": "Mountain View",
        "region": "CA",
        "postalCode": "94043",
        "countryName": "United States"
      "participantCount": 12
  "landCompensationBudget": {
    "amount": 1000000,
    "currency": "USD"
  "healthAndSafety": {
    "materialTests": {
      "tests": [
      "description": "Tests were conducted of the main retaining wall and of the roof of each structure according to..."
"contractingProcesses": [
    "summary": {
      "social": {
        "laborObligations": {
          "obligations": [
          "description": "The contract's labor obligations include a minimum wage of $20 per hour and an overtime limit of 10 hours per week."
        "laborBudget": {
          "amount": 10000000,
          "currency": "USD"

cc @EvelynDinora

Note just waiting on #405 and #404, all other associated issues Agreed

all linked issues now Agreed

All element mentioned in this issue are now linked to PRs

Closing as all linked issues are now closed