
Testing translations

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Putting some notes here as I work through some tests:

Reference: Configuring Transifex


  • sphinx-intl create-transifexrc --transifex-username USERNAME --transifex-password PASSWORD
  • Create a Transifex project

Emulate the active project:

  • git checkout 1.1-dev
  • ./
  • Do the steps to empty and update .tx/config
  • Push the source and translation files to Transifex: tx push -s -t -f --no-interactive
  • The translation progress on the temporary project should match that of the permanent project

Test pushing files from a branch:

  • git checkout branchname
  • ./
  • Do the steps to empty and update .tx/config
  • Push the source and translation files to Transifex: tx push -s -t -f --no-interactive
  • See what impact the branchname branch has on the number of strings to translate