
Optional Contractor Dataset questions

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I am confused about the schema for the optional contractor dataset. If I understand the description correctly, this table is meant to hold additional contractors for a permit since a permit may have more than one contractor. It seems weird that there are no required fields besides PermitNum.

For the Recommended fields, the first one is ContractorCompanyName2. The description for this says "Secondary company name of contractor if applicable" which sounds like a second name for the same contractor, not a new contractor. Which is it supposed to be?

All of the fields end with a "2." What is the meaning of this? Is it to suggest that it is the second contractor for a permit? What about if there are 3 or 4 contractors for a permit? This table should hold them but having a "2" in the field names for the 3rd or 4th contractor seems confusing?

This is a dup of #43