
Clarify requirement for OriginalAddress2

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I believe this field was meant to accommodate additional address information for a permit location when such information was stored as part of the permit record. If this data is stored by the jurisdiction, it should be included but if a jurisdiction does not store this information, should it be excluded? Should it be included with a blank value?

The standard should clarify the requirement for this data element.

To clarify, can we use OriginalAddress2 to store special identifiers like Building Id Number in NYC? Or is there a better place to store alternative entity identifiers used by the jurisdiction?

OriginalAddress2 specifically mentions 'street address' information.

While probably not ideal, there is the ExtraFields field...

Is building ID a commonly used descriptor outside of NYC?

Its an NYC-specific thing. A more generic identifier with wider usage is tax block/lot. Is that universal enough, or goes into Extras as well?

This is a good topic for discussion. Let's target the next meeting, and I will try and have someone with insight into other jurisdictions on the call as well. Perhaps this warrants the addition of a specific field.

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