
Can't find latest release in Maven Central or Jcenter

kastork opened this issue · 2 comments

Could you provide info on a repository where the current release can be found?

Hi @kastork . I haven't done a proper release lately. I really should since it's been so long!

As an interim solution, what I've personally been using is the fabulous service called which lets you as a developer add any github Maven project as a dependency to your project for "free" without waiting for someone like me to publish a proper release to Maven Central, etc.

e.g. Add this to your pom.xml


And then add this to your depenencies section. Choose your own sha1.

    <version>bb549e2a783a78b0e3bf6d6f5d77592d77a99081</version> <!-- locked to a particular 5.0-SNAPSHOT with -->

I keep forgetting about jitpack. Thanks for the reminder.