Read the JSON file of compiled cairo contracts and the find return signatures of test functions that will be mocked
Eikix opened this issue · 2 comments
Eikix commented
Tim: Lire le compiled.json pour trouver la struct et size de chacune des Cairo types.
Eikix commented
end goal:
mock_call(name_of_my_func, [42, “shortstring”, ids.myVarName, Uint256 {high: 42, low: 0x0}])
ptisserand commented
Return payload in compiled JSON file is available with the following command:
$ cat balance.json | jq '.program.identifiers | to_entries | .[] | select(.key|test(".*Return"))'
which will output the following:
"key": "__main__.get_balance.Return",
"value": {
"cairo_type": "(balance: felt)",
"type": "type_definition"
"key": "__main__.increase_balance.Return",
"value": {
"cairo_type": "()",
"type": "type_definition"
"key": "__main__.multiple_outputs.Return",
"value": {
"cairo_type": "(account: __main__.MyAccount, total: starkware.cairo.common.uint256.Uint256, ref: felt)",
"type": "type_definition"
"key": "__main__.multiple_outputs_with_array.Return",
"value": {
"cairo_type": "(id: felt, b_len: felt, b: felt*, answer: felt)",
"type": "type_definition"
"key": "__main__.sum.Return",
"value": {
"cairo_type": "(sum: felt)",
"type": "type_definition"