
mark up Joyce's coinages and Joycean compound words

Opened this issue · 5 comments

A word can count as a member of this category if:

  • it isn't in the OED
  • it's in the OED, but the first citation is from Joyce's Portrait (see pandybat)

Find these by using a spell checker.


  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 5

In particular, mark up Joycean compound words.

Since I can't seem to find a more specific TEI convention for this, let's go with <seg type="neologism"> for now.

Hi! I want to help with this, but I'm not certain how to use the syntax.

If I was to try to mark "fiveshilling" in the first chapter as a neologism for being a Joycean compound word and not coming up in the OED, would I use the convention right before the word as such:
<seg type="neologism">fiveshilling
and then close it with the same tag, like this:
<seg type="neologism">fiveshilling</seg type="neologism">
or is there another way this should work?

This seems correct according the XML tutorial page I'm looking at, but I want to make sure before I go about making edits.

Also, if a word comes up in the OED, but as two separate words or a hyphenated word and is not as Joyce uses it, would you still like that tagged?

Thank you!

Edit: I think I figured it out. Should it be seg type="neologism"> fiveshilling /seg> (omitting the opening <s so it shows up on the page)?

You're really close! It's <seg type="neologism">fiveshilling</seg>. That can be difficult to type on GitHub, since these comments are interpreted in Markdown. You can surround code in backticks (`) to get it to display correctly.

But I see from the commit that you've already figured it out! Looks great.