
[DOC]: Update Installation guide

thisisobate opened this issue · 1 comments

Change in the documentation

I tried starting the app but kept getting an error:

Error: Docusaurus could not load module at path "/Users/ninjaDev/projects/"
Cause: Cannot find module './external-content/community/docusaurus-sidebar.js'

I did some investigation and noticed I was meant to fetch all the external content before the app could start. It took me a while to find the correct command because I didn't even know which command does what- couldn't find it in the documentation.

So the correct installation guide is:

  1. Run yarn install to install all the package dependencies
  2. Run yarn submodules to install all the submodules (i.e external contents)
  3. Run yarn start to start the application in dev mode.

Hey @thisisobate, I'll look into this. It isn't documented very well because it's supposed to initialize and update the submodules automatically. Perhaps that's no longer working as expected.