
Usability: Toggling providers loses context

agardnerIT opened this issue · 2 comments

So I finish the tutorial and it prompts me to play around with the providers. Nice!

So I switch from flagd to env. I'm apparently still logged in but now the fib algo looks like it has reset to the slow default version. That said, I can't see anything so I don't know.

Notice the welcome message has also defaulted back but, when I ended the tutorial, I had the new welcome message.


Final thought - I can't change any FF values on the env or go-feature-flag selections. It'd be nice to be able to adjust them too.

Hey @agardnerIT, this is expected behavior. Here's the readme section for the environment variable provider and Go Feature Flag. The environment variable provider in particular is basic and doesn't support using evaluation context.

Does this make sense? Do you have any recommendations for making this more clear in the demo?

This is working as expected. Please reopen if you have any recommendations for making this step more clear to new users.