
Why can not user PageHelper.doPageAndSort to sort field which not in DO/Entity

Closed this issue · 4 comments

see these codes in io.choerodon.mybatis.pagehelper.OrderByParser#getColumn(Class<?>, String)

for (EntityColumn entityColumn : columnList) {
    if (entityColumn.getProperty().toLowerCase().equals(camelHumpProperty.toLowerCase())) {
        return entityColumn.getColumn();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal sort argument: " + property);

now my project neet to sort the result of a sql using INNER JOIN, and the sort field is NOT in the basic table. therefore, I create a @Transient field in entity/DO like this:

private Long labelId;

@Size(max = 64)
private String labelName;

@Size(max = 32)
private String labelTypeCode;

private String creator;

then I user this transient field to sort:

public ResponseEntity<Page<Label>> list(
                Label label,
                    {@SortDefault(sort = Label.FIELD_LABEL_ID, direction = Direction.DESC),
                    @SortDefault(sort = Label.FIELD_CREATOR, direction = Direction.ASC)}
                ) PageRequest pageRequest
    Page<Label> labels = this.labelService.pageAndRequest(pageRequest, label);
    return ResponseEntity.ok(labels);

and when I request this api and get

IllegalArgumentException("Illegal sort argument:  creator");

so WHY do we want to limit that the sort field must include in entity/DO? This is too strict to use.


这个校验是对于单张表的查询校验,使用inner join的话属于多表联查,需要用map映射前端传入的排序字段和xml里sql中对应的字段(包括别名)。

okay, this way is effective,
but it is not elegant enough :(

and look at #7
This problem has not been solved, why we close this issus

and how about set the table alias and column alias in @SortDefault?

such as

@SortDefault(sort = Label.FIELD_CREATOR, direction = Direction.ASC, trueColumnName="user_name", tableAlias=”l“)

that might be a good idea and i will make it as a reference, and #7 is closed by author.