
Add SDO OCS-API that creates the owner key for the user

bmpotter opened this issue · 1 comments

The new SDO owner key scenario is:

  1. The user (owner) indicates to the UI or the hzn command that they want to create a new owner key.
  2. Internally the SDO management hub service creates the owner key pair for them and saves the private key internally in the service.
  3. The service returns the public key to the user. This is what they share with device manufacturers when ordering SDO-enabled devices.
  • Add POST /api/orgs/{orgid}/keys api that creates the key pairs internally and returns the concatenated public key. The body of the api request should have the user input for creating the keys (with some defaults provided). The response body to be the concatenated public key.
  • Internally should also do the equivalent of
  • Consider implementing #101 at the same time

I tested/verified this.