
Support native TLS in SDO OCS-API

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Use the agbot and CSS as examples of doing this in a Go REST API. See . It is just a matter of:

openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -sha256 -x509 -keyout sdoapi.key -days 365 -out sdoapi.crt -subj "/C=US/ST=NY/L=New York/<IP>" -extensions san -config <(echo '[req]'; echo 'distinguished_name=req'; echo '[san]'; echo 'subjectAltName=DNS:<IP>')
chmod +r sdoapi.key
  • New env var for the ocs-api https port: SDO_OCS_API_TLS_PORT (defaults to the value of SDO_OCS_API_PORT)
  • If the certificate and key files are present, call http.ListenAndServeTLS(listenHostAndPort, certFile, keyFile) instead of http.ListenAndServe(listenHostAndPort, certFile, keyFile)
  • Test full sdo process with https
  • Give devops details of what needs to be passed to sdo-owner-services:
    • Note: TLS is only supported for the OCS-API. The other ports that the Intel SDO code listens on will continue to use HTTP.
    • Mount the directory containing sdoapi.crt and sdoapi.key onto container path /home/sdouser/ocs-api-dir/keys
    • (You can change the port that it listens to for TLS by setting SDO_OCS_API_TLS_PORT, but that is not necessary. If will default to SDO_OCS_API_PORT, which will default to 9008.)

Tested by all-in-1 environment and IBM product based on Horizon