
Got stuck when training with multiple GPU using

xiazhongyv opened this issue · 9 comments

All child threads getting stuck when training with multiple GPU using
With CUDA == 11.3, Pytorch == 1.10
After diagnosis, I found it was stuck at

I modified the code from

        init_method='tcp://' % tcp_port,



and it worked.

I'm curious why this is so, and if someone else is having the same problem, you can try to do the same.

Thanks. I have the same problem, and I solved it using your method.

@sshaoshuai After you fix bug in this way, the tcp_port is not used actually.
Can you fix it in a more decent way?

Thank you for the bug report. It has been fixed in #784.

Can you help to double check whether it works now?

Thank you for the bug report. It has been fixed in #784.

Can you help to double check whether it works now?

@sshaoshuai Thanks for your work. It's ok now.

For single-machine multi-GPU training, I also modified the local_rank to rank in torch.cuda.set_device() to be able to train properly. Otherwise it throws this error: Duplicate GPU detected : rank 0 and rank 1 both on CUDA device a000.

def init_dist_pytorch(tcp_port, local_rank, backend='nccl'):
    if mp.get_start_method(allow_none=True) is None:
    num_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count()


    rank = dist.get_rank()
    torch.cuda.set_device(rank % num_gpus)
    return num_gpus, rank

torch=1.9.0 cuda=11.1.
Got stuck at dist.init_process_group and the code is latest....
In other distribued training project having the same code for init_process_group, it ran successfully. ......

@sshaoshuai torch=1.9.0 cuda=11.1. Got stuck at dist.init_process_group and the code is latest.... In other distribued training project having the same code for init_process_group, it ran successfully. ......

after I uncomment the lines mentioned in #784 (comment), it works.

I have submitted a new PR to solve this issue in #815.

Please pull the latest master branch if you still get block when training with

@sshaoshuai torch=1.9.0 cuda=11.1. Got stuck at dist.init_process_group and the code is latest.... In other distribued training project having the same code for init_process_group, it ran successfully. ......

after I uncomment the lines mentioned in #784 (comment), it works.

So what is the cause of this stuck? I also counter this and will try your way...