Pinned issues
- 0
MyDataset is not in the dataset registry
#11965 opened - 2
'DetDataSample' object has no attribute 'text'
#11964 opened - 1
Can registry be inherited more than once?
#11963 opened - 2
- 0
使用Albu进行数据增强的时候,如果传入空gt_box_label会导致mmdet运行出现类型不匹配报错 got Long for the destination and Double for the source
#11959 opened - 0
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Could you please explain how to obtained the feature maps? I want to plot a heat map of Co-DETR.
#11957 opened - 0
#11956 opened - 1
Is there any plan for next release?
#11955 opened - 0
Training Stuck at "mmcv - INFO - load checkpoint from torchvision path: torchvision://resnet50"
#11954 opened - 0
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the metric is low in custom dataset
#11952 opened - 1
Multi-gpu training get stacked at
#11951 opened - 0
#11950 opened - 0
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scores are nan after finetuning GroundingDINO
#11948 opened - 0
用自己的数据训练mmgounding dino时报错 data['category_id'] = self.cat_ids[label] IndexError: list index out of range
#11947 opened - 1
用其他数据集训练grounding dino报错,不知道是数据集的问题,还是需要更改代码的参数?
#11946 opened - 0
Semantic Segmentation Failure
#11945 opened - 3
#11944 opened - 0
#11942 opened - 1
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ValueError: need at least one array to concatenate
#11939 opened - 3
#11938 opened - 1
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使用grounding-dino微调好的模型进行视频推理时报错AttributeError: 'DetDataSample' object has no attribute 'text'
#11934 opened - 1
Fragmented object segmentation
#11933 opened - 3
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Questions about splitting the dataset
#11931 opened - 2
get_flops in Co-DETR ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!
#11930 opened - 0
#11929 opened - 0
#11928 opened - 3
demo中的推理跑不起来啊,提示Please check whether "mmdet" is a correct scope, or whether the registry is initialized.
#11927 opened - 7
#11926 opened - 1
Albumentations error
#11925 opened - 5
Training on your own data set, once you start with precision, the next epoch will all become zeros
#11924 opened - 0
Is there any plan to add the ability to export Divs model to onnx or torchscript, which is base on mask2former
#11923 opened - 2
what's the difference between mm-grounding dino and the open-grounding dino? i found the some difference
#11922 opened - 0
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Torchserve - Work stopped
#11918 opened - 1
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How do I set up the config and model so that the two optimizers are updated by their respective loss?
#11915 opened - 2
Co-DETR 有了load_from为什么backbone还要加载预训练模型
#11914 opened - 2
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Anchor optimisation with YOLO models
#11911 opened - 2
Logging into MLFlow for Confusion Matrix
#11910 opened - 0
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This result is too unexpected,please help
#11908 opened