
Add out-of-the-box zap logger

Closed this issue · 3 comments

What is the underlying problem you're trying to solve?

Embedding OPA as an SDK in a service currently means either:

  • You get lucky and you use logrus
  • You have both logrus and whatever log implementation your service uses
  • You have to implement logging.Logger for your log implementation

This is all surmountable but it may be a nice quality of life improvement to have common log implementation wrappers in the core OPA library.

Describe the ideal solution

Ideally I could just do something like:

opa, err := sdk.New(context.Background(), sdk.Options{
	Logger: opazap.Wrap(logger),

and get on with my day.

Describe a "Good Enough" solution

Unfortunately the SetLevel function means you also need to pass a zap.AtomicLevel:

opa, err := sdk.New(context.Background(), sdk.Options{
	Logger: opazap.Wrap(logger, level),

A better solution would be very welcome.

Additional Context

I have a proposed implementation which I will pull request shortly.

💭 Now what "log/slog" has appeared, would that provide a no-dependencies common ground for multiple logging implementations to plug in? Honest question, I haven't played with it much yet.

log/slog seems like it could be a good integration point (similar to you I haven't had much hands on time with it yet). I think it would certainly be worth looking at that once the module minimum Go version is up to 1.21.

Ah, minimal go version. Yeah, thanks for checking that.