
OPA not closing gracefully

Opened this issue · 2 comments

We are experiencing OPA pods logging errors during shutdown, even when it should be a graceful shutdown because a new pod is being deployed in an old pod's place.
The error message we consistenly get when restarting pods is

{"level":"error","msg":"Status update failed: Post \"[http://slp-name/v1/status\](http://slp/v1/status/)": context canceled.","plugin":"status","time":"2024-04-04T11:38:45+02:00"}

We have noticed this in versions 0.60.0 and 0.62.1.

When a graceful shutdown time is provided, it's taken into account for stopping both the server and plugins. This error is coming from the status plugin while it must be uploading a status update.

stale commented

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