
Log-Normal distribution Error Factor general formula/explanation

rakhimov opened this issue · 2 comments

The description of the Log-Normal distribution in the MEF is given specifically for one level only
without providing a general formula for all levels.
If the EF is defined only for 95% level, why does the MEF provides the "level" variable?

In fact, the EF parameter is very strange to me because I haven't seen this parameter in the definition/description of the log-normal distribution in statistics.
This EF factor seems to be defined in PRA/PSA literature only.
Honestly, this EF feels like another misnomer (e.g., fault tree, cut set) coming from the PRA.
Let me explain why I have the suspicion.

  1. How on Earth, the 95% z of the standard normal distribution is 1.654 (Safety and Reliability: Proceedings of ESREL 2003, European Safety ..., Volume 2) ( ?
    It must be 1.96.

  2. Why is the general formula/theoretical discussion absent?

This is my guess for the general formula:

$$EF_level = exp(z_level * sigma)$$

So the EF description in the MEF would be for 90% level.

Please destroy me!

Before anyone else destroys me,
I now see that z_level must be one-sided;
that how it ends up being 90% two-sided z.

Does EF for the level below 50% make any sense?