
Do the hybrid X.509 certificates conform to the official ITU-T X.509 multiple algorithm certificates?

JoaoDiogoDuarte opened this issue · 2 comments


I was wondering whether the draft RFC by Truskovsky et al. concerning hybrid/multiple algorithms X.509 certificates is implemented in this openssl fork, please?

The reason why I ask is because this RFC has been incorporated into the official ITU-T X.509 standard since 2019 (see section 9.8) and I only seem to find implementations of Bindel et al.'s X.509 hybrid certificates.

The incorporation of the RFC is a bit sneaky because they call the post-quantum algorithm "alternative algorithm". See this pdf by ITU-T for a recap of X509 history.


The current hybrid X.509 format in our fork is bespoke. It's our intention to move to whatever emerges as a standard.

I am confused that you referred to the Truskovsky document as an RFC -- it's only an Internet-Draft, and a seemingly expired one at that. There are some subsequent documents that are under development -- 1, 2 -- which would probably be what we implement, unless a different direction emerges.

Sorry for the confusion my original issue, what I mean is that a standard has emerged and I don't know if anyone has really noticed it.

ITU-T has a standardised way of handling multiple algorithms certificates (i.e. hybrid) in 2019. It is based on the expired draft I linked.

I was wondering if that is what you guys implemented?