[TODO] feature: pre-training for initial stability
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L-M-Sherlock commented
Apply a more efficient method to calculate the initial stability. Then pass the initial stability to the initialization of FSRS model, and freeze the first four parameters.
Python implementation:
delta_t = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
recall = [0.866842, 0.907582, 0.733485, 0.767769, 0.687690]
count = [435, 97, 63, 38, 28]
Note: this input is generated by:
S0_dataset = df[df['i'] == 2]
self.S0_dataset_group = S0_dataset.groupby(by=['r_history', 'delta_t'], group_keys=False).agg({'y': ['mean', 'count']}).reset_index()
We can create it from Vec<FSRSItem>
stability = 1.0671915877802147
The output will minimize the loss:
def power_forgetting_curve(t, s):
return (1 + t / (9 * s)) ** -1
def loss(stability):
y_pred = power_forgetting_curve(delta_t, stability)
rmse = np.sqrt(np.sum((recall - y_pred)** 2 * count) / total_count)
l1 = np.abs(stability - init_s0) / np.sqrt(s0_size) / total_count
return rmse + l1