
AutoInstrumentation assembly not loaded as domain-neutral

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Bug Report

I'm trying to inject the opentelemetry-dotnet-instrumentation to Powershell.

The powershell assembly is loaded to domain-neutral but the AutoInstrumentation.Loader and AutoInstrumentation was loaded to the default domain.

ModuleLoadFinished: 140718829523560 Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost AppDomain 140720438070400 [EE Shared Assembly Repository]  | IsNGEN = false | IsDynamic = false | IsResource = false

ModuleLoadFinished: opentelemetry.AutoInstrumentation.Loader loaded into AppDomain 2381253564688 [DefaultDomain]

Which casued the problem:

[warning] *** CallTarget_RewriterCallback() skipping method: Method replacement found but the managed profiler has not yet been loaded into AppDomain with id=140720438070400 token=100684843 caller_name=System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceBase.Open()

The team have fixed before: #1134 (comment)

Is this expected?
After I have registered the AutoInstrumentation.Loader and AutoInstrumentation assembly to the AGC, the problem resolved, but it this the expected way to fix it?

Hi, @Kielek , could you help clarify here?

@lipingma, do you have some time to prepare exact steps you are doing?
It is usually called Minimal, Reproducible Example. Executing code in a reproducible context - like docker image + scripts you are doing can be really helpful, and at least reduce time to figure out what your are trying to achieve.

RassK commented

@lipingma how did you setup it first? The PowerShell install module loads these anyway to GAC.