
Adding backtraces to error logs

gabriel1402 opened this issue · 2 comments


First, thanks for all the hard work done in this library. Some time ago, we were experiencing an error within our app. The error was correctly logged, however, it was a bit cryptic itself, and it helped shed some light when we monkey-patched this method from the library, by adding the backtrace:

def error_handler
@error_handler ||= ->(exception: nil, message: nil) { logger.error("OpenTelemetry error: #{[message, exception&.message].compact.join(' - ')}") }

This is how we monkey-patched it:

module OpenTelemetryExtensions
  module OpenTelemetry
    def error_handler
      @error_handler = ->(exception: nil, message: nil) { logger.error("OpenTelemetry error: #{[message, exception&.message, exception&.backtrace&.join("\n")].compact.join(' - ')}") }

Was this originally conceived by design, or could this be an addition that might be useful for other developers?

You should be able to override the error handler without monkey patching:

attr_writer :propagation, :logger, :error_handler

You can see an examples of how we do it as part of initialization for our test helpers:

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