
wait_for_arp fails in sonic-mgmt tests

ANISH-GOTTAPU opened this issue · 0 comments

Version information
The pypi version or branch of snappi-ixnetwork = 0.7.7

Describe the bug
set_config is not starting the ip stacks which are already started as part of previous run. This issue occurs seldom and is timing issue on setting the config and starting the ip stacks.

To Reproduce
Run the same tests multiple times with ip stack.

Expected behavior
set_config is not starting the ip stacks which are already started as part of previous run. This issue occurs seldom and is timing issue on setting the config and starting the ip stacks.

The potential fix could be stop the ip stacks before set_config, so that we can isolate the simultaneous operations that is done by server.

Additional context
issue reported by Microsoft