Error in getUnreadMessages - Accessing TypedArray data over Xrays is slow
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roigreenberg commented
I encounter a new issue, and I'm not sure how to solve it:
File "groups_bot/", line 84, in run
for contact in await driver.get_unread(include_notifications=True):
File "/app/webwhatsapi/", line 107, in get_unread
return await self._run_async(self._driver.get_unread,
File "/app/webwhatsapi/", line 41, in _run_async
return await result if isinstance(result, Awaitable) else result
File "/app/webwhatsapi/", line 400, in get_unread
raw_message_groups = self.wapi_functions.getUnreadMessages(include_me, include_notifications, use_unread_count)
File "/app/webwhatsapi/", line 157, in __call__
raise JsException("Error in function {0} ({1}). Command: {2}".format(self.function_name, e.msg, command))
webwhatsapi.wapi_js_wrapper.JsException: Error in function getUnreadMessages (Error: Accessing TypedArray data over Xrays is slow, and forbidden in order to encourage performant code. To copy TypedArrays across origin boundaries, consider using Components.utils.cloneInto().). Command: return WAPI.getUnreadMessages(false,true,false, arguments[0])
Does anyone encounter this? any solution?